A half-back flanker, Wayne played football for Sturt in both junior and senior divisions until the late 90s. He moved to London with Deloitte and later Moscow – where he managed to injure himself playing footy! He currently lives in Dubai with his wife Nika and their two daughters, still working for Deloitte.
On his best memories of the club
“ I have great memories of playing junior footy under Chris Brown and Gary Carlson and having the pleasure of playing alongside Brenton Sanderson before he went on to greater heights!
Senior footy memories, despite it being a pretty tough period for the club on and off the field, are embedded in playing with a bunch of great blokes, some epic pre-season activities under Bunton and Carmen and those two wins at the start of the ’96 season when it had been a little while in between drinks!”
On advice for current players
“It’s cliché, but enjoy it and realise it’s not forever.
Problems don’t fix themselves or go away, so if there’s a part of your game you need to work on, work on it!”
If I had my time again, I’d…
“Relax on the field and try to enjoy the moment more than I did.”
If you are or know a past player, send them our way – we’d love to hear more from them! Go to bitly.com/SturtFCWhereAreTheyNow to send us your story.