
FightMND 27 Challenge

This year Thomas Foods International (TFI) are again participating in the FightMND 27 Challenge. Holding a 27km walk on Saturday 18 November with the aim to raise $127,000, all to support the fight against Motor Neuron Disease. The event is open for anyone to register to join in the walk from TFI Head Office in Rose Park along the designated route to the Esplanade Hotel at Brighton.

So why 27? When a person is diagnosed with MND, they are given an average life expectancy of just 27 months. MND is a Beast. It’s a devastating and progressive disease that gradually takes away a person’s use of their arms and legs, their ability to eat, their speech and ultimately their ability to breathe. In Australia alone, every day two people are diagnosed with MND and two people die from the disease.

There is no effective treatment or cure – yet. 

Key Details
????????????????: Saturday 18 November
????????????????: 7.30am

Departing from TFI Head Office and finishing at the Esplanade Hotel

For further information and to register or donate – click here